Sunday, February 13, 2011

Moving Right Along

T. S. Eliot - “The last temptation is the greatest treason: To do the right deed for the wrong reason.”

Today at mass the priest said the above quote when referring to today's gospel. The reading was actually a pretty difficult one to swallow in my opinion. It talked about obeying the commandments sort of... or else. Lots of talk about how divorcing is adultery and so on and so forth. Things that are pretty hard to grasp in this day in age. I mean, I was interested to see how he was going to talk about this one. Well, he did it very elegantly, I thought, and focused on the fact that no matter what we do, our actions should come from our hearts as opposed to selfish reasons. Hence the quote. I thought it was a nice thing to remember and again something that can get lost often in day to day activities.

Anyways, I don't mean to turn this blog into one about my trips to mass, haha I just really like this priest because he's very enthusiastic, clearly loves literature, and so far has had only very enlightening things to say. There was also a bake sale after mass which was nice. I bought some treats for the house which were immediately gobbled up by my hungry little house-mates. Not after cheering me for bringing home treats. =)

SO. Yesterday we went to Galway! We being Mandy, Hannah, Casey, Erica, and me. We each had motives and decided to collaborate on a day trip to get everything accomplished, and we did! It was a really nice day weather wise and success wise. We visited some fabric stores, clothes stores, a book store, an art store, a few cafe's, and the mall. The book store was one of my favorites, it had old and new books. I bought an old book of rhymes and verses about a ton of things, a lot of them meant for kids. I really really like it a lot so far. So it was easy enough to get to Galway, only 15 euro roundtrip for students, very convenient. Now that I know how it works travel will be nice and easy for when people visit.

Speaking of people coming to visit, I'm wicked excited for my friend Nina to visit from London! It's only like a week and a half and I'm starting to plan what we'll do depending on the weather. Galway is in the Itinerary though as well as a tour of my studio =)

Hmm, let's see what else... I'll have pictures from stuff up soon, I haven't even sorted them out yet haha.

Ummm, I really really really want a Starbucks frappaccino right now... so not gonna happen.

I've been working on my portrait of my friend Emerson, it's starting to look pretty decent. I used my palette knife mostly for painting today which was really awesome and I think I'll start doing that more often for these larger paintings. It really helps me paint more structurally which is great.

I have my second photo critique tomorrow, yay! I'm excited because the stuff that I'm showing is even MORE different from what I normally do. It's so abstract and I love it. I'm thriving really well off of no portraits haha.

Well, I guess this is getting kind of long so I guess I'll go. Before I leave though I'll show you one of the verses I particularly enjoyed from the book I'm reading.

Away Go We

One, two, three,
And away go we!
Shingle, starfish,
Sand, and sea!
Wind on cheek,
Clear sun on skin;
The tumbling waves
Sweep out, sweep in.

A magic, broken
Music calls
In the water
As it falls;
Voices, a sigh,
A long-drawn hush,
As back -- in myriad
Bubbles -- gush
The green-grey ripples,
Flecked with snow --
A music solemn,
Sweet, and low.

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