Wednesday, February 16, 2011

Artist Talk

So every wednesday we have an artist or two give talks about their work. Sometimes it's faculty and sometimes it's visiting artists, local or otherwise. It's been a great experience to see what kind of work artists are making in the now and to hear about their experiences.

I've enjoyed most of the work the visiting artists have presented for the most part, but I think my favorite so far has been the artist we heard today. Her name is Alice Lyons and she is from New Jersey living in Ireland. It's interesting that I found her presentation one of my favorites since her mediums are poetry and film, two mediums I have hardly ever touched. What made her work so interesting, however, was A. her public art (poetry) installations (I happen to be extremely interested in public art) and B. her film poetry. The latter was by far one of the most visually stimulating things I've seen since being here and I have probably seen more performance art in the past month than I've ever been exposed to in my life. She showed us a couple film poems, one she did herself and then the two she collaborated with Orla McHardy (a film artist living in Dublin). Their collaboration works are not only visually stimulating, but the poetry is intriguing and quite striking.

Anyways, I would have liked to post the link to the second film she showed, The Polish Language, but the film (8 minutes long in length) hasn't been released on the internet yet, so here is a clip of it

BUT, (Uncle Jim specifically) you should email her at this address: and ask her to view it privately on Vimeo. (that is what she has requested on her blog). I very much encourage it, Uncle Jim, because I think you would really appreciate it and so would Aunt Terri. Or maybe not, but at least we could talk about it because I found it wonderful.

That's all I really wanted to talk about. I'm starting my second portrait tomorrow of my friend Brijit. I'm excited to start a new one. I'm still working on the other one of Emerson. AND my second photo critique was not this week, so I have the rest of the week to get some more shots which is great.

Kay, well I guess that's all for real.

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