Sunday, April 10, 2011

Short (Sort Of) Update

This past week has been pretty busy for everyone including myself, especially this weekend. I've finished my painting of Alyssa but I still have to tweak a few things on the other three paintings. I've also printed my Atmosphere series for our exhibition and I'm planning on printing my night photos as well. Hopefully I will be able to sell one or two or maybe more so I can have some cash for traveling, but who knows. Wish me luck though!

Nothing too exciting has happened lately other than getting work done. I have, however, been working on my travel Itinerary in my spare time. So far these are my plans:

Dublin: April 22-23
London April 24-27
Scotland: April 28-May 2 (tentatively with my friends Sarah M and Caitlin R as well as staying with Hadley)
Wales: May 3-4 (tentatively with my friend Hannah)
Paris (with Aunt T and Uncle J) May 5/6-9
Brussels with them: May 10-12
HOME: May 13

I've already reserved my hostels in Dublin and London AND my Britrail pass from my wonderful Aunt and Uncle has arrived in the mail. I've also pretty much mapped out my plans for sightseeing and such for Dublin and London, next up Scotland and Wales. It's been really fun planning everything, but also very overwhelming since I'm doing most of it on my own. It's kind of scary making decisions about travel without confirming with someone else but I'm slowly getting over the fear. Nina has also helped me figure out what I should see while staying in London and since I'll be with people most of the time it won't be to hard to figure things out. Mostly I'm just super excited to start my new adventure.

Right about now I'm at the point where I'm ready to start organizing my things but it's a little early on to do so. I still have to figure out how I'm going to ship my giant suitcase home before I travel. It's going to be wicked expensive, so I'm worried, but it's absolutely impractical for me to carry two suitcases and a backpack with me traveling.

Lastly, I'm going to be really sad to leave all my friends here at BCA. As much as I desperately miss my friends from home and Clark as well as my family, I've really bonded with the group here and there is a good number of them that I'll be sad not to see anymore. It's hard to go from living with a group of people for a semester to not seeing them again for who knows how long. I think most of us will stay in touch though, at least I seriously hope so. With technology the way it is, I find it hard to believe that we wont. =)

Kay, well I guess that's all for now. This week I have to finish up printing and editing by our last studio day on Tuesday. After that it's just cleaning up, re-painting, and hanging for the exhibition. Busy week!!

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